Walking Etiquette

The following are some guidelines put together by The Committee to help ensure the safety and comfort of all those who choose to participate on a Walkabouter's walk.

Before the Walk:

Book into the walk prior to the day of the walk.
Notify the leader of your arrival.
Make sure that you take suitable clothing, footwear, food and drink.
Make sure that you have with you:
        A first-aid kit
        Any special medication.
        A whistle.
        List of Walkabouters safety rules.
Be at the starting point in sufficient time to get ready - walks will leave on time.
A commitment to join a walk means that barring emergencies, to the best of your ability, you will complete the walk.

During the Walk:

Obey all reasonable instructions given by the leader.
Advise the leader if you feel unwell or cannot cope with the activity.
Do not get ahead of the leader or fall behind the whip.
If you have to leave the track, inform the whip and leave your pack on the track. Always maintain contact with the person behind you.
If you lose contact with those behind you, STOP.
If you arrive at a track junction and are not sure of the route, stop and wait.
Be prepared to move on when the leader is ready.
When the slowest walker arrives wait 3-5 minutes before the group moves on.

Happy Walking!

Walkabouters Club of Victoria Inc.
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